This story begins in the ancient Continent of Opots, one of seven continents in the mythological World of Nunc. The story starts out with the continent divided into twelve kingdoms, later a thirteenth kingdom is established in the Ice Caves of Mordv by refugees from the Kingdoms of Norkv and Xepoltr.
Kingdom of Wetpr—is the largest and richest kingdom in the Continent of Opots. The Sea of Talmont is the western border, the Phonicha Ocean is the northern border, the Kingdoms of Ryed and Stordt make up the southern border and the eastern border is the Kingdom of Lentz. Wetpr is also the home of the outlaw Kozach Tribe. The capital city of Wetpr is Salar.
Kingdom of Lentz—is a middle sized kingdom that is rich in resources. The eastern border is the shores of the Sea of Grevtd; the western border is comprised of the Kingdom of Wetpr which is northwest and the Kingdom of Stordt which is southwest. The northern border of Lentz is the Phonicha Ocean and the southern border is the Kingdom of Zorta. The Kingdom of Lentz is also the home of the fierce Nordes Tribe and the terrorist Valdore Tribe. The capital city of Lentz is Langer.
Kingdom of Stordt—is the second largest kingdom in the Continent of Opots. Its peoples and resources have been ravaged by the ruthless dictator King Roch. This kingdom is landlocked. The Kingdom of Ryed makes up its western border, the Kingdom of Wetpr its northern border, the Kingdoms of Gandt and Puntd comprise the southern border and the Kingdoms of Lentz and Zorta border Stordt to the east. The capital city of Stordt is Taperia.
Kingdom of Ryed—is a medium size kingdom that lies south of Wetpr, west of Stordt and north of the Kingdom of Ogg. The Mountains of Rihlet border Ryed on the west. This is a long and treacherous mountain range that lies east of the Sea of Talmont. This is a dark kingdom that gives sanctuary to all that is evil. The capital city of Ryed is Teivel.
Kingdom of Zorta—is a small kingdom that lies south of Lentz, east of Stordt and north of the Kingdom of Ganz. The eastern border of Zorta is the Sea of Grevtd, which supplies most of the income for this kingdom. The capital city of Zorta is Charlton.
Kingdom of Ganz—is a large kingdom that is rich in resources, including diamond mines. It is bordered on the north by the Kingdoms of Stordt and Zorta, on the west by the Kingdom of Puntd and to the south by both the Safer Mountain Range and the Inlet of the Sea of Grevtd. These two natural barriers separate Ganz from the sinister Kingdom of Marba. The shores of the Sea of Grevtd form the eastern boundary of this kingdom. Port Friada is the largest port city in the continent as well as being the capital of Ganz. It is built where the River Toba meets the Inlet of the Sea of Grevtd.
Kingdom of Marba—is a large kingdom that is home to the murderous Huta Tribe. The Hutas worship demons and are on a mission to rid the world of all who are not like them. The Sea of Grevtd borders Marba on the east. The Rosu Mountain Range forms the southern border of this kingdom. The Inlet of Grevtd and the Safer Mountain Range comprise the northern border. To the west of Marba lie the Kingdoms of Norkv and Xepoltr.
In ancient times these two kingdoms were united into one kingdom named Samona. These ancient people built a tremendous wall between Samona and Marba. The wall runs the length of the kingdoms from the Safer Mountain Range to the Rosu Mountains. This wall is named the Wall of Dorath. There is but one secret opening in the wall that is called the Gate of Isula. The capital city of Marba is Safra.
Kingdom of Xepoltr—is the home of the fierce and isolationist Shettee Tribe. Ancient legends say this race was bred of humans and lions to create a race of powerful warriors. This kingdom lies to the west of the Kingdom of Marba, to the south of the Kingdom of Norkv and to the east of the Waste Lands of Manod. The Rosu Mountains form the southern border for this small landlocked kingdom. Xepoltr is located in what was once the southern half of the Kingdom of Samona. The capital city is Vamur.
Kingdom of Norkv—once part of the vast Kingdom of Samona until a civil war tore the peoples apart and toppled the ruling government. The northern half of Samona became the Kingdom of Norkv. After decades of fighting the people sought peace in their new kingdom. A large monastery was built at Avaide and became a religious symbol throughout the Continent of Opots. Peoples from every kingdom did pilgrimages to this monastery that was said to have been blessed by The Great Ruler himself. Norkv became a kingdom of farmers and tradesmen. Two main groups populated this small kingdom, humans and Rualas. The tribe of Rualas is unique in all of Opots; legends say these people were once bred of humans and eagles. The members of this tribe look like humans but have wings and are renowned for their beauty and strength.
The Kingdom of Norkv is bordered on the east by the Wall of Dorath and the Kingdom of Marba. The northern border of this small kingdom is the Safer Mountain Range. The Waste Lands of Manod create the western border and the Kingdom of Xepoltr lies to the south. The capital city of Norkv is Shone.
The Waste Lands of Manod—a barren desert that is filled with hot tar pits. To add to the treacherous region quicksand pits lie on the western border of this area, near the shores of the Schenomi Sea. Legends say that no man has ever been able to cross this dangerous region. The Waste Lands of Manod lie to the west of the Kingdoms of Norkv and Xepoltr. The Plains of Mirolt border the Waste Lands to the south and separate the Waste Lands from the Rosu Mountains. The Safer Mountain Range borders the Waste Lands to the north and the Schenomi Sea lies to the west.
Kingdom of Ogg—is a fabled kingdom that once existed on land and now exists on the floor of the Schenomi Sea. The capital city of Ogg is Trapolli.
Kingdom of Gant—is a medium size, landlocked kingdom. This kingdom is poor and sparsely populated. The Kingdom of Stordt borders it on both the north and west. The Kingdom of Puntd forms the eastern border and the Safer Mountain Range borders the south of Gandt. The capital city of Gandt is Tria.
Kingdom of Puntd—a large kingdom that is rich in resources. It lies to the east of Gant, to the south of Stordt and to the west of Ganz. The Safer Mountain Range creates the southern border. The renowned monastery at Malga is located on the southeastern border of the kingdom. The capital city of Puntd is Calix.
Kingdom of New Samona—The Sanuri of Tabrul saved the refuges of the Ruala and Shettee tribes from total annihilation at the hands of the racist Hutas. The remnants of these tribes were brought to the Ice Caves of Mordv to heal. As the tribes learned to peacefully coexist and flourish they created the Kingdom of New Samona.
The Ice Caves of Mordv—are located within the Safer Mountain Range, but the only entrance to this spectacular world is hidden in the face of Mount Petrov. This is a world of caves within caves that are as large as cities in the world below. The caves are rich in animal and plant life; that are sustained by the rivers, pools and waterfalls that lie within the mountains themselves. The caves get their name because of giant crystals that flourish through the caves. These crystals provide, light, warmth and healing energies to all who dwell within the caves.